Tuesday 16 October 2012

Time Well Spent

Spend Your Time Wisely

What is more valuable than money? Possessions? Love? Power? No, none of those. TIME is the most valuable currency of all for without time, there would be no life, no opportunity to gain possessions or to find love. 

With that in mind, ask yourself this question: How am I spending my time? Am I spending my time on things that further me, intellectually, physically or monetarily? 

OR am I wasting this most precious currency on activities that simply ‘pass time’ or worse still, am I allowing others to waste this time for me? 

Why so many questions, you ask. Well, questions illicit answers and if one is to be successful in any endeavor in life, questions must constantly be asked and answered because in those answers are the essence of ‘you’, the answerer. Consider the Socratic Method employed by Socrates to instruct his students and encourage thinking.

Therefore, two things must be routinely monitored each and every day. TIME and your use of it, and CONTEMPLATION as a means of staying on track and growing as is natural to all life. 

So, monitor your time and your use of it and constantly seek ways to better use your time so that one day you can realize your dreams, or your purpose. 

Let others waste their time while you spend it wisely. 

Can you honestly say that you are spending your time wisely?


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