Tuesday 23 October 2012

Intuition Has Been Left on the Back-burner for Too Long!

Even back when Einstein was around intuition was a rare thing to be found in people, especially the scientists and thinkers of the time, and things haven't changed much nowadays either, so it seems.

Just to clarify:

According to freedictionary.com intuition is - "The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition."

Now we all know that Einstein was a great supporter of intuition and imagination due to the plethora of quotes like the one above and in fact it was imagination along with this 'knowing' that brought us his 'Special Theory of Relativity'.

Fond of exploring new possibilties through the use of imagination, Einstein once imagined himself running alongside a beam of light and turning to see how it appeared as he ran with it. Not long after and as a result of this 'thought experiment' he developed his Special Theory of Relativity.

Where almost all other scientists relied on logic and rational thinking to develop science, Einstein relied on the inexhaustable power of intuition to guide him and the power of imagination to build the blueprints of advancement.

Just imagine ... Einstein changed the world with ... imagination and intuition. 'Imagine' what you can do if you follow his example.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein

Intuitively, you 'know' what you want ... what your life purpose is. Intuition shows you through subtle nuances of feeling rather than the 'thought material' that rational thinking gives. Intuition is like a good friend that knows what is best for you and so let's you know through feeling signals. Rational thought however comes solely from your 'experience' and 'memories' of life and will be tempered by your fears and predjudices, therefore more than likely serving to steer you away from that which which would make you happiest - a dream career, house, spouse, project etc.

Intuition will gladly inform you of the direction in which to go while your limitless imagination will supply you with the means and the inspiration to get there. Have a safe journey! :)

Until next time, success seekers.

Oh nearly forgot, here is another person who more than likely used intuition. 



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